Friday, September 14, 2007

Reflections I

What knowledge do you already have about this subject?
What do you want to learn about this subject and how will you use it?


Unknown said...

I that geometry is the going to use alot of shapes and angles. I expect to learn alot more about math, and am excited to as math is my favorite class.

Anonymous said...

I know that geometry is made up of many angles, shapes, and percise measurements. A lot of graphing and measuring angles goes on in geometry. I expect to learn how to measure shapes and angles. Also, I hope to be much better at math when I'm done with this course.


I know geo is about shapes and angles so I'm good at that point. I need to get this done so I'm willing to learn.

Unknown said...

i expect to be woking with shapes and angles in geometry.

HardcoreRkr said...

I don't know that much about Geometry, except that I will use a lot of shapes and angles. I expect to learn more about math and how to apply it to my every day life.

sam said...

I do not have too much previous knowledge about geometry because i have never taken it before. i do know that it is dealing with alot of shapes, angles, and measurments.

carlos said...

i no that geometry is about angles and shapes and i expect to learn how i can use it in life

Unknown said...

geometry is knowing alot of different shapes and angles and measurements.
i would like to be stronger in shapes and measurements and angles.

About Me

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High school math teacher. When I'm not teaching I like painting, Photoshopping, birding and playing the guitar.